66 Year Old Missing Man Vanishes From Cruse In Cozumel Mexico: Family Searching For Answers

CHARLESTON, S.C. – Tragically, Edmond Bradley “Brad” Solomon III, a 66-year-old native of Charleston who is suffering from frontotemporal dementia, has been missing since last Wednesday while on a cruise in Cozumel, Mexico, according to his family. What was supposed to be an unforgettable journey has taken a turn for the worse after Solomon vanished and his condition worsened.

Given his failing health, Solomon’s family expected the cruise, which coincided with his 66th birthday, to be one of their final family vacations. Solomon’s sister-in-law, Ashley Hyer, related the heartbreaking understanding that Solomon’s illness was progressing to the point where it would soon prevent such family vacations.

When Solomon went missing while the family was shopping near the Cozumel port area, it was the start of their horror. There have only been a few sightings since his disappearance, one of which occurred at a grocery store where the owner tried to approach Solomon but Solomon escaped.

The search is made more difficult by Solomon’s diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, an illness that causes notable changes in personality, conduct, and emotions. Professor of Neuroscience at the Medical University of South Carolina, Dr. Heather Boger, stresses that wandering is a typical and deadly symptom of dementia and advises people to be watchful and proactive if they come across someone who may be lost and experiencing the illness.

66 Year Old Missing Man In Cozumel Mexico: Family Searching For Answers

Boger suggests that instead of approaching a missing person with a mental illness up close, anyone who may recognize them should follow them from a distance and get in touch with the police right away. This guidance tries to protect the person’s safety without doing anything that could frighten or perplex them even more.

In order to avoid such circumstances, GPS trackers should be used, and residences should be made “dementia-proof” to prevent simple escapes, according to Boger and Don Bagwell, a dementia specialist with the Trident Area Agency on Aging. Solomon’s tracker, which was limited to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, sadly stopped working two hours into the hunt, making it useless at a critical juncture.

The experience of the Solomon family highlights how important it is for families of dementia patients to be aware of the situation and ready for it. In her heartfelt ode to Solomon, Hyer emphasizes the great influence Solomon has on those who love him and the intense worry for his safety.

In the hopes of Solomon’s safe return, Solomon’s family asks the community to keep them in their prayers and thoughts as the hunt for him goes on. Additionally, they support the wider application of GPS tracking devices, which may significantly contribute to the avoidance of similar catastrophes in the future.

This incident highlights the difficulties faced by families and caregivers as well as the larger problem of dementia care. It acts as a sharp reminder of how unpredictable the illness is and how vigilant one must always be to protect those who are impacted. Supporting families, identifying distress symptoms, and taking proper action can save lives when done by the community.

Solomon’s abduction serves as a wake-up call for improved services, more understanding, and all-encompassing support networks for dementia patients and their families. As the search gets more intense, there is still hope for Solomon’s safe return and a fresh focus on how important it is for society to show empathy and take action in order to overcome the challenges associated with dementia care.

Resources like the MUSC Memory Disorders Clinic offer helpful assistance and direction for families navigating the challenges of dementia, for individuals looking for further information or methods to help. The community’s combined efforts can help return Solomon home and stop similar tragedies in the future as this situation develops.

The Lowcountry community and others are reminded in the face of this adversity of the value of empathy, consciousness, and preventative actions to protect those who are most in need.

Read Also – Detroit Police want Help Finding A Missing 14-Year-Old Boy.

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