Charleston Man Edmond Bradley Solomon III Still Missing: Search Continues

Edmond Bradley Solomon III was to celebrate his 66th birthday on a huge cruise ship sailing the tranquil waters of the Caribbean, and the trip was to be one of closure and celebration. But what started out as a happy event has evolved into a troubling enigma. When Solomon vanished on April 3 during a stop in Cozumel, Mexico, it sparked a massive hunt that still fascinates and worries his family and the larger community.

Charleston Man Edmond Bradley Solomon III Still Missing: Search Continues


In autumn 2022, Solomon, a retired critical care nurse from West Ashley, who was well-known for his lively demeanor and passion for surfing, received a diagnosis of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. His once-extroverted personality has changed and his independence has been progressively reduced as a result of this diagnosis. Since then, his wife, Mimi Hyer Solomon, a nurse, has taken on the role of primary caregiver for him.

It was planned that the Royal Caribbean cruise would be their final big trip together and a suitable farewell to a more sedate stage of life. Tragically, Solomon walked out and hasn’t been seen since during a normal stop at a local market when the couple was in Cozumel.

Savannah Miller, Solomon’s daughter, who was in the US at the time, told details of the disappearance. She related the terrifying moments when her father went out in the middle of the busy market after leaving the bathroom before her stepmother. The worst-case scenario of her spouse going missing greeted Mimi as she stepped outside.

Instantly, a thorough search was initiated, and Mimi teamed up with local law enforcement and security to comb Cozumel’s streets until dusk. But Solomon, who was renowned for moving quickly, particularly when he was nervous, had disappeared.

The hunt for Solomon has developed into a concerted operation involving several agencies, including the military of Mexico, in the days that have passed. Miller and her partner took a plane to Mexico to assist with the search, and both residents and visitors have come together in support of the family.

Everyone from bystanders to law enforcement has been involved in the extensive grid pattern sweep of the island as part of this comprehensive strategy. While some searchers ride ATVs into deep jungles, others walk through city plazas. In addition, the family has organized activities and distributed information by creating a tip line and making heavy use of social media.

The world community has demonstrated incredible unity, especially the residents of Cozumel and the tourists on cruise ships. Social media and news outlets are ablaze with calls for help in finding Solomon and updates. His abduction has brought attention to the widespread effects of such a personal tragedy in addition to highlighting Cozumel’s friendliness and sense of community.

Miller keeps updating fans on Facebook almost every day, sharing the psychological and practical difficulties of the hunt. The community’s efforts reflect the family’s tenacity, as evidenced by the frequent hopeful reunion remarks that conclude posts.

A GoFundMe campaign has been created to provide Mimi with financial support during this trying time. Marissa Aldridge, a former colleague, organized the page, which showcases the strong ties that were forged during the years of nursing both personally and professionally. The money received will help to maintain the current search and make sure Mimi doesn’t have to worry about money so she can continue to concentrate on locating her husband.

Solomon’s life narrative is characterized by commitment in his roles as a husband, father, and nurse. Known lovingly as “Mr. Mom,” he instilled a strong feeling of responsibility and love in his daughter. His daughter and sister-in-law remember his marriage to Mimi with fondness; it was a passionate wedding held on Edisto Island that brought him joy and stability.

Solomon never lost his zest of adventure, not even while he was sick. He still fished off the coast of South Carolina and surfed at Isle of Palms until recently. The purpose of our excursion was to honor those unwavering passions.

The tenacity of Edmond Bradley Solomon III’s family and the international community in their hunt for him is a monument to the human spirit and the ties that bind us all together. The family is determined to bring their beloved patriarch back to his house, which is about 3,000 miles away, and they are optimistic about that. This search is being fueled by the support of friends, strangers, and allies from all across the world, which serves as a moving reminder of the bonds that keep us going through the most trying circumstances.

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